SWOT Reflection Tool

SWOT Reflection Tool
SWOT is a great tool to help reflect on what God is currently doing in your life through discipleship and mission, and prepare for what is to come. We've created this free PDF and guided reflection to help you.
There are a few ways we have found this tool helpful:
1. SWOT your life on your own. It helps put language to what's happening in your life right now and take a step back and let God speak into it.
2. Use in your huddles and discipleship groups. Have each person SWOT their life and report out to the whole group. Spend some time reflecting with each person, help them to hear what God is saying to them and make a plan for the new year.
3. Similarly, use as a reflection tool with your family, housemates, wider spiritual family on mission or missional community. Look together at what has been over the last year, hear God together, and make plans for the year ahead.