Looking for simple ways to walk through the Gospel with those who are interested in learning about Jesus? Discovery Bible Studies are a great way to do this! “Discovery Bible Studies (DBS) are simple to lead and easy to replicate, yet they encourage radical discipleship.”
This handbook walks you through the “Sword” Bible Study Method and then provides a 10-week bible study that can be used with those who may be interested in learning about Jesus for the first time.
This practical guide is written for those who want to start living an intentionally missional lifestyle with others. It is divided into seven parts, called Stepping Stones. Learning to live a lifestyle of everyday mission is like crossing a stream by stepping on one stone at a time to get to the other side. This is the journey we are on, and we invite you to join us.
Each Stepping Stone in the book is made up of several chapters which offer concrete biblical principles based on the Way of Jesus. Each chapter includes insightful teaching and practical tools, along with discussion questions and exercises for you to complete. If you want to consistently do mission in your everyday life, let the Stepping Stones of this book guide you. See you on the other side!
This free survey is designed to help you discern your APEST/Fivefold Ministry. The 80 questions are taken straight from the survey in the back of Mike Breen’s Building a Discipling Culture book.
The podcast giving you stories, ideas, and encouragement for mission and discipleship in your everyday life!
This 5 or 8 session online course shares real-life stories of individuals who have developed missional communities in a local setting, and provides practical training on how to create an outward-focused lifestyle of discipleship and mission.
Check out this 30-minute video breakdown of what makes a successful discipleship-making movement (DMM) from Harry Brown, the president of New Generations - an organization that has catalyzed over 120 movements worldwide.
Check out this simple method for running Bible studies, discipleship groups, and small groups. 3/3rds groups break down discipleship questions into three simple sections that create room for questions and challenge.
Simple Mission Challenges provides weekly practices for practically engaging with mission and discipleship at an everyday level. The hope is that as you engage with these small exercises over a 13 week period, you will have the opportunity to grow in learning how step out in faith and actively pray for your local community. Perfect for small groups, huddles, and congregations, this tool is a great first step for those who may be new local mission.
Simple Mission Challenges provides weekly practices for practically engaging with mission and discipleship at an everyday level. The hope is that as you engage with these small exercises over a 13 week period, you will have the opportunity to grow in learning how step out in faith and actively pray for your local community. Perfect for small groups, huddles, and congregations, this tool is a great first step for those who may be new local mission.
This free downloadable Leaders Guide is designed to help you introduce others to a more Jesus-shaped life through a 12-week Huddle based on the book A Jesus Shaped Life which offers an overview of Jesus' way of discipleship and mission. This format is good for people who don't yet see themselves as leaders or who are only open to a short-term commitment.
This free downloadable Leader's Guide is designed to help you introduce others to a more biblically formed approach to discipleship and mission through a 24-week Huddle based on the book Empowering Missional Disciples which offers an overview of the vision, values, vocabulary, and vehicles of 3DMovements. This format is good for leaders who are ready to go deeper.
These 7 Ten-minute videos by David Wanstall who’s part of the 3D Movement in Australia model how to teach several of the 3DM LifeShapes in a huddle context.
As often used in Discipleship Making Movements (DMMs), the four-fields strategy is a great way to outline a broader strategy for big-picture discipleship across communities.