Episode 9: On Mission in a Small Town


A recent study shows that 97% of America’s landmass is rural. 97%! While the majority of the population lives in urban areas, a whopping 64 million people live in rural areas – in small towns or in the country. So, the missional need in rural areas is huge, and while we often think the most effective mission is in urban areas, there are some who have responded to God’s call to live missionally in small towns and communities. Gina’s guests on the next episode of the “Everyday Mission Podcast” are living missionally in a small town in Southern Maine. Frank and Austin Catalano join Gina to share their story and to provide helpful ideas and strategies for doing mission in a small-town setting.


Mentioned In This Episode:

Discipleship School 2022-2023

A Young Adult gap year internship for discipleship investment and missionary training in living the ways of Jesus.

Find out more about this opportunity here: