Episode 13: Redemption of My 8-Year-Old Self


Gina is joined by an everyday husband, dad, fund manager, and introvert who is also a neighbor on mission. Chris Gleason has been following the Lord since he was a child, but something happened when he was 8 years old that caused him to say that he would never share the Gospel with anyone ever again. That is until about 7 years ago when he blindly agreed to go to a 3DM training event that he says, "floored him." Chris' story is one of God breaking into his life in such a powerful way that he ended up experiencing the redemption of his 8-year-old self and was given a powerful ministry of "presence" in his suburban neighborhood where he is seeing spiritual fruit as he allows the Holy Spirit to lead him and his family on mission.


Mentioned In This Episode:


If you want to explore the Vision, Values, Vehicles, and Vocabulary of our missional discipling movement for yourself, then this six-month long weekly Coaching Huddle is a great place to start. The On-Ramp Huddle will give you an opportunity to try putting these biblical tools for discipleship into practice in your own life with the people closest to you. The Huddle meets online using video-conferencing and is based on our introductory book for leaders, Empowering Missional Disciples. You can sign up for the Huddle and try it out for the first two weeks before committing to the six-month journey.