Episode 3: 5-Fold Spiritual Gifts and Raising Missional Kids


In Ephesians 4, the Apostle Paul told the church in Ephesus that Christ himself gives the church "apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up." These are what many call "The 5-Fold Spiritual Gifts," and many believe that every believer has been given one of these gifts for the purpose of serving the church and building unity within it.


We often think of spiritual gifting being only for adults, but Caren Hunter, who is back with us for another episode, believes that these gifts are manifested even in children - and she and her husband are serious about identifying them and helping them grow in their own four kids.


Mentioned In This Episode:

APEST Five Fold Test

Learn more about your gifting within the Five-Fold giftings discussed in Ephesians 4: Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Shepherding, and Teaching.

Building a Discipling Culture, Third edition, by Mike Breen

A description of the primary vehicle and the key tools that Jesus used to make disciples who can make disciples. After outlining how we can form Huddles to disciple leaders the way Jesus trained his twelve disciples, the rest of the book introduces the eight central principles Jesus used to make disciples, along with simple geometric images that help us to remember and pass on these principles so discipleship become a multiplying culture.

Available here: