practical training

strategic planning

community building

  • We learn how to build an extended Jesus-shaped family on mission as the context for discipleship, and how to become part of a Kingdom movement that goes beyond our own local church or organization.

  • We gather five times over two years for intensive three-day immersions
    along with a weekly online Coaching Huddle.


”Intentionally invest in a few believers”

Spiritual parenting is about imitation and access to life
Invitation and challenge is how Jesus discipled
Working from rest: Jesus, not us, is building the church
Developing a “slow track” for the masses and a “fast track for the pioneers

”Live it as you lead it”

From spiritual feudalism (dependence) to spiritual parenting (empowering)
Spiritual growth is about revelation and response
Covenant & Kingdom: Theological foundations of missional discipleship
Family on Mission is the lifestyle Jesus modeled for us to live

”Release everyday disciplers”

From volunteer recruitment to Leadership Pipeline for ministries and MC’s
Understanding how Five-fold releases church participation and maturity
Repurpose gathered services for both encounter and empowerment
Naturally supernatural: embracing Spirit dependence, not just human effort

”Develop everyday missionaries”

Understanding the “whole gospel” of covenant and kingdom
Understanding “your gospel story” and how to share it
Contextualizing the gospel within a post-Christendom culture
Engaging with those who need Jesus and growing by new believers

”Leading Kingdom movement”

How to develop a long obedience in one direction for Missional Discipleship
Develop strong Gathered Church to resource Scattered  (Bonfire for the Torches)
How to not give up on Late Adopters and also continue to empower Pioneers
How to align all ministries in the church in the same direction


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