The workshops below will be held at 9:30 PST/12:30 EST on Tuesday August 25th, 2020.
The Power of the Crucified Life | Paul Maconochie
Most of us know that as Christians we are called to ‘embrace the Cross’ in our lives. However, this can often be taken to mean that we try hard not to sin, or that we take on discipline and persevere in hardship. In fact the Cross is God’s primary means to release supernatural power in our lives. Paul will be teaching on how we access this transforming power as we follow Jesus.
Unlocking the Next Level of Discipleship and Mission by Learning How to Go Deeper in Prayer | Mark Burgess and Julie Dirkse
As disciples of Jesus we want to be the most effective we can be in our God given calling and mission field. In this workshop, Mark and Julie help us to unpack how to do this by teaching us how to go deeper in prayer, the essential and often neglected tool for Holy Spirit empowered mission and discipleship.
Intro to 3dm: Living a Jesus Shaped Life | Jeff Allen
This breakout digs into what it looks like to live a Jesus-Shaped Life in light of Luke 6:12-19. This session is a helpful on-ramp for using 3DM tools and includes access to a personal Self-Assessment to help you picture where you are in your journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The session is led by Jeff Allen, 3DM Denver Hub leader and author of Small Church on a BIG Mission: Cultivating Missional Discipleship in Smaller Churches.
Rest and Renewal: Learning to Sabbath as a Way of Life | Gwen Adams
The number one reason people quit the ministry is not moral failure, it’s burnout. If we press our lives past our God given design, we will eventually go away. Sabbath Rest must become a regular rhythm in our lives as a way to restore health and ensure longevity as we live out our calling. We will look at creating space for Sabbath as well as taking a close look at what a day of rest and renewal looks like in a practical way no matter how busy your life may be.
Raising up the other 50% - How to Create a Culture Where Women Leaders Thrive | Gina Mueller
We’ll never build a vibrant, multiplying missional movement if half our leaders are sidelined. If you want to create a culture in your church, ministry, or workplace where women leaders are developed and can thrive, we’re going to talk about some specific strategies to get there. We’ll also talk about what keeps women leaders from stepping into all they are capable of, and some specific things you can do to help women lead with confidence in all their spaces of influence.