Imagine what New England would be like if every follower of Jesus was pursuing God with passion, sharing their lives in authentic community where they are known and shaped by other believers, and intentionally building friendships with neighbors who don’t know Jesus yet, talking about Jesus in a way that’s not weird, and felt confident to lead their spiritually curious friends on a journey of exploring Jesus with them?


New England would see the church being the church!

Families would be different.

Neighborhoods would be transformed.

Workplaces and parks and gas stations would all be filled with healthy followers of Jesus whose eyes are open for what God might want to do!

Come with us on a journey to build a CULTURE of DISCIPLESHIP in your context!



There’s a new Learning Community cohort of church/ministry teams launching THIS SEPTEMBER where your team will unpack the way Jesus made disciples and contextualize a step-by-step strategy that produces a discipling culture in your context.

You’ll receive:

  • Simple, reproducible tools for making disciples

  • A contextualized strategy for your specific context

  • Coaching for you and your team

  • Access to practitioners across New England who are living and leading it in their own lives and ministries

DATES: September 26-28

LOCATION: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Interested to learn more?

Fill out this form to let us know you’d like more information and we’ll get in touch with you!